
2014 年 8月17日(日)〜8月30日(土)

アート小豆島・豊島2014 小豆島 醤の郷+坂手港プロジェクト

UMA design farm ・MUESUMディレクションによるCIRの3期目のプロジェクトとしてデザイン。





syodoshima to koba "small factory" in the island.

Relational Tourism 2014 at syodo island and te island in Japan /

the project design for CIR direction by UMA design farm ・MUESUM

making koba "small factory" at island like participating designers commute and use while the term.

each designer try to creates some itmes and the machine for that with materials, culture that could get this islands mainly.

island's students , working men, house wives gave come to koba with local staff and knowledge.

Thank you and see you.


syodoshima to koba / 2014

project in syodo island in Japan 2014 summer

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